Hi every one. Many fellow fancier, have ask my opinion about the use of
Ivermectin am posting the following article in the Abba web site, I urge every one to direct other
Fellow fanciers to visit Abba web site and read this article and all the other helpful articles about birds posted in the site. Also, I urge every one to join the Abba Group @ post question's in to
the Group. I am eager to work with all of you, and perhaps we all can learn something new. The learning process never end.
In the last several years many bird fanciers, and also Veterinarians, have suggested various methods
of administering Ivermectin to cage birds to control infestation of certain internal and external parasites.
Several years has gone by since I learn for the first time the existence of Ivermectin. While
I was visiting a range belonging to a friend of mine, a young veterinary was administering Ivermectin to several dozens of Cow. Recalling from memory, this young vet, show me the brochure of this
parasiticide, I red very careful the instructions how it should be use for cows, at once cross my mind, about the
possibility of using this parasiticide for Canaries and other cage birds? Immediately obtain a
bottle of the Ivermectin 1% injectionable solution.
Upon my returning home, to New Jersey, immediately I begin experimenting. It took long time
before I come up with the proper dosages. It was not easy, I sacrifice lots of birds before I was absolutely convinced of the right dosage. In those day, I had plenty of specimen to work with, lot scaly
feet and tracheal mite infestations where present in every bird room, including mine. few years went by, after all the successful experiments, I begin to spread the good news all
over the world, in Australia, in Europe, in south America, wherever I travel I would tell the bird fancier and
vet about the use of Ivermectin in cage birds.
These days, scaly feet, scaly face in Budgerigars, tracheae mite infestation's along with eternal and
internal parasite are truly under control.
In my opinion, the following is the best method for safely and successfully achieving the best
Ivermectin 1% injectionable solution as stated above is a parasiticide for the treatment and control
of internal and external parasites of cattle, horses, dog, etc. The manufacturer, (MSD ACVET) does not recommended any dosage for cage birds or poultry for that matter? At least it is what I know,
However, I don't like to read what goes on in other field. I don't want to get confuse, I stick with cage birds, it is what I know best.
Many fanciers, throughout North America, and other part of the world, including myself, have used the
method suggested below. The Ivermectin 1% injectionable solution, it is available in many veterinarian supply stores, and feed store as well. no
prescriptions need in north America and perhaps in other part of the world.
Personally I do the following: In the evening, Just before the birds go to sleep, I remove all the
drinking water from all of the cages including my outdoor aviary. The next morning the birds will be nice and thirsty. Vigorously shake the Ivermectin bottle. Then to ea. 32 (1 Quart) oz. of drinking
water add lcc of the 1% Ivermectin solution. Again, shake the mixture vigorously and place it before the birds in a clean pre-steri!ized container. The birds will drink the solution with gusto. Usually
one good drink will cure the above mentioned problems. I leave the water treated with the Ivermectin before the birds until they drink all of it or until the next day.
I repeat the same treatment in two weeks. (14 days) I treat all my birds with the above mentioned
method twice a year. In January and again at the end of the breeding season. I never experiment treating the birds during or the middle of the breeding season.
Be very careful, Ivermectin is a very powerful parasiticide. An overdose may kill your birds.
I NEVER administer Ivermectin 1% solution straight from the bottle. I as well all my bird room helpers, fallow the above instructions very careful.
In my opinion, it is very difficult to properly administer the mixture of water with Ivermectin by
placing one drop in the beak or on the jugular vein as many suggested. Can you imagine treating 300-400 birds, one at a time? I believe, the above method is the best way to cure infestation of
external parasites, such as scaly legs and feet, scaly faces, perhaps many type of intestinal worms and trachealmite?
I hope the above information's will be of some help to someone.
Good luck to all. ANY OTHER QUESTION??